One More Cake

It's been a crazy day full of packing, laundry, ironing and running errands.  Silas and I are headed down to CT this weekend to be the "bride and groom" models for Justin & Mary's Walk Through A Wedding workshop!!!  I am so excited!!!!  Silas is such a good sport for coming along.  J&M have asked us to model for a few of these workshops now but they have always been mid week which is near impossible for Silas's work schedule. So when this one came around and was scheduled for a Sat we were in :) Because it's been a crazy day and I have had no extra time to finish the blog post I was working on today, and because Kathy just came in with another BEAUTIFUL cake I thought I'd just share one more cake photo with you guys today and wish you a fantastic weekend!!!

Happy 17th Birthday to the girl who wanted a Cheetah cake :)

XOXO Spring