Rebecca & Travis {brownfield engagements}

The weather was not on our side.  Rebecca and I tried to get her and Travis's engagements scheduled three times before the weather finally cooperated.  We had rain, we had a heat wave and then finally we had the perfect summer evening.  When I was chatting with Rebecca about what she wanted as a "feel/vibe" for her engagements we both agreed that a field, maybe one with a stone wall would be perfect.  After some brainstorming and a little help from my mother- we came up with the perfect spot:  Chamberlain Farm, a family friend's stunning home up in the hills of Brownfield.  Once we found a day that the weather wanted to play nice, we met up in Brownfield to shoot some spectacular pre-sunset images. Rebecca was a little worried at first that being significantly shorter then her hubby-to-be was going to make it hard to not look awkward in photos- I don't know about you guys but awkward is not a word I'd use to describe these....

J.Crew magazine anyone?

I know these little yellow flowers are painful for those of us with allergies, but man they make for pretty pictures.

This next one is screaming to be a huge canvas on my wall.

Incase you were wondering they do know how to smile.

That light is so yummy.

Travis seemed to be the one giving kisses so we decided to switch things up- which produced a few laughs.

We ended with a shot that let Rebecca be the tall one for once.  Thank you guys for a wonderful evening.  I had so much fun with you guys and can not wait for your October wedding!!

XOXO Spring