Portrait Session Give Away

Hey Everyone- Happy tuesday to you all! I woke up this morning and thought hmmmm, I want to shoot some portraits.  Well, unfortunately I don't have any booked for the next two weeks so I decided to do a portrait session give away!  So here's the deal-  All you have to do is become a fan of my Spring Smith Studios page on facebook and leave a post on my wall that says why you want to have professional portraits taken.  It's really that easy!  It can be an individual portrait, a couple, a family, some sexy boudoir photos for V-day might be fun, even your dog Skippy can have his portraits taken!

The contest ends on Sunday Jan 16th and the portrait session has to be scheduled and shot before Feb 15th and must be shot at a location within 30 miles of Conway, NH (otherwise a small travel fee may apply- but come on guys even if you live far away it's a great time to come visit No Co and do some outlet shopping and skiing).  The portrait session will be a 1 hour shoot and you'll get one free 8X10 print of your favorite image (of course you can always buy more if you want).

So spread the word- tell your friends and tell me why you want professional portraits taken!

XOXO Spring

p.s. oh and check out this beautiful sunset that I saw tonight!