.Candlepin bowling.

This past weekend my boyfriend Silas's family was up for a visit.  I hadn't seen his parents in quite awhile and it was great to be able to spend some time with them.  We had a lobster feast on friday night and spent most of saturday tooling around town.  By late afternoon we were looking for something to occupy us until dinner time. In Fryeburg, Maine there is an old candlepin bowling ally.  Saco Valley Lanes.  It isn't flashy or fancy but trust me you can have a lot of fun!!!  We decided to indulge ourselves.

While I didn't bring my camera (shame on me- what a photo-op)  John (Silas's father) did take a photo with his camera phone and send it to me.  So if you'll excuse the quality here is a picture of Silas and his brother Ethan bowling side by side.

We played 4 rounds and although I had the lowest of all the winning scores I did win one round!  I think this bowling ally might become a staple rainy day hang out.  You just can't beet $3.50 a game and $1.00 for shoes.